Heritage landscapes extend beyond physical spaces, encompassing elements that are produced, consumed, and performed through sensations of elements, which are selectively tied to the past through narratives or collective memory. Landscape heritages are dynamic, relational, multi-vocal, and involve “a plurality of people, places, experiences, and things,” as noted by scholars David C. Harvey and Emma Waterton (2015). The blurriness of pinhole photography evokes for me magic, longing, and ambiguity, making it a fitting medium for my photo project, Heritage Landscapes.

Memorial Park for the Battle of Jutland | Thyboron, Denmark

Beach of WW2 bunkers | Vigsø, Denmark

Beach of WW2 bunkers | Vigsø, Denmark

Beach of WW2 bunkers | Vigsø, Denmark

West Coast beach | Løkken, Denmark

West Coast beach | Kandestederne, Denmark

The Iron Coast | Bovbjerg, Denmark

The Iron Coast | Bovbjerg, Denmark

Rebild National Park | Denmark

Ydby Heath | Thy, Denmark

Gendarme path | Broager, Denmark