Some key ideas inspire my art projects and my research. These ideas are unfolded here.

Cultural Sensation?
Sensation must be understood as culturally anchored and forming. Sensation is a multi-sensorial, active process, which is both doing something and anchored in cultural hierarchies of the senses as we learn from Sensory Studies. Sensation is also a question of sensory justice.

Sensory segmentation, refrain and rhythm?
What I call ‘sensory segmentation’ is about the ways particular sensations come to dominate the spaces of our lives and how we perceive objects such as monuments. The idea builds on ideas of rhythm, refrain and segmentation.

Use of the past?
How the past is used in the present to influence the sensory surroundings we live in or to make meaning, is really what sensory heritage is about. It is the sensorial politics of heritage making. Critical Heritage scholars learn us that heritage is not the things of the past in themselves, but the acts of using them or engaging with those element that are constructed to memorialise some aspects of the past.