
This site “Sensory Use of the Past” explores the ways sensory pasts and sensory presents are used and affecting the spatial circumstances for everyday life and the right to public space. I’m deeply fascinated by the relationships between everyday landscapes, sensations, heritage, and justice and “Sensory Use of the Past” is where my artistic outlet meets my passion for photography and academic interests. I have a particular love for monuments and memorial sites and draw inspiration from Critical Heritage studies, the cultural perspectives of Sensory Studies, theories of spatial justice, and concepts of rhythm and space.

These projects are a constant work in progress—always evolving. They guide my 'photographic looking' whether in my everyday surroundings or while traveling across Denmark and beyond. I enjoy working with various film cameras in half format, medium format, large format and pinhole, choosing them based on the needs of each project.

I have an academic background as PhD in Social Science (mostly cultural sociology) and two decades of photography enjoyment. I live in Aalborg, in northern Denmark, with my wife, our youngest daughter, and our much-loved cats. And, when I'm lucky, I can share both passion and tours for photography with them and with our oldest daughter (not with the cats though).