What is a monument of the mundane? Monuments have an everyday life to them - they are, as architectural historian Andrew Shanken (2022) observes, being “turned on and off” through daily routines. But they are also monuments of the everyday, as when they are self-grown (thank you to Art Historian Mette Haakonsen (2015) for this wonderful term) tributes to subcultures or unofficial memorials for the lost. These forms, blending the ordinary and monumental, are central to my exploration in the project Mundane Monuments.
Territory and Nationalism
Holocaust Memorial | Berlin
Holocaust Memorial | Berlin
Vietnam Memorial | DC
Vietnam Memorial | DC
Lincoln Memorial | DC
Lincoln Memorial | DC
Lincoln Memorial | DC
Antique store | New York State
Dog sector Omaha Beach | Normandy
Dog sector Omaha Beach | Normandy
Dog sector Omaha Beach | Normandy
Dog sector Omaha Beach | Normandy
Les Braves memorial | Omaha Beach, Normandy
Les Braves memorial | Omaha Beach, Normandy
Les Braves memorial | Omaha Beach, Normandy
Veteran memorial | Omaha Beach, Normandy
Cementary l | Omaha Beach, Normandy
Omaha Beach | France
Checkpoint Charlie | Berlin
Urban environment
Mural Leonard Cohen | Montréal
Mural Leonard Cohen | Montréal
Notre Dame de Lourdes Chapel | Montréal
Mural, Saint-Catherine St | Montréal
Berlin TV tower | Berlin
Monument | Victoria Square, Montréal
Monument at Church | Montréal
Memorial | Saint-Catherine St, Montréal
Memorial | Saint-Catherine St, Montréal
Croix du Mont-Royal | Montréal
Croix du Mont-Royal | Montréal
Croix du Mont-Royal | Montréal
Graffiti culture
Name | Kolding Train Station, Denmark
Memorial | Aarhus Train Station, Denmark
School Ruin | Aalborg, Denmark
Memorial | Cascade du Rouget, France
Cascade du Rouget | France
Love carving | Vico Canavese, Italy
Name carvings | Rold Forrest, Denmark
Name installation | Rold Forrest, Denmark
Burial mound 'Resting Hill' | Aalborg, Denmark
Burial mound 'Signal Hill' | Aalborg, Denmark